5 Vital Questions to Ask a Bail Bond Agent When Bailing Someone Out of Jail

If you have gone through the bail bond process in the past, you might understand how it works. Some people have never gone through this process, though, and they might not understand it. You might have some questions about the process if you never bailed someone out in the past. Here are several vital questions you should ask a bail bondsman service if you are in this position.

1. How Much Do They Charge?

One question you might want to ask is about the costs of the services. Hiring a bail bond agent requires paying fees, but the fees are not always the same. Every bail bond agent sets up their own fee structure, but you should expect to pay at least 10% of the bond amount. For example, if the court sets the bail at $2,000, you will likely have to pay at least $200 for the bail bond agent's services. Some agents charge higher rates, though.

2. Will They Require Collateral?

You can also ask if the agent requires collateral in addition to the bail fees. The bail bond agent might not require any collateral if you pay the fee, but some agents require both. The agent might base this decision on the defendant's criminal history. If they have a clean history, you might not need collateral.  

3. Are They Licensed?

You might also want to ask the agent if they are licensed and insured. While most are, some might not be, and you should always find one that is. Hiring an agent that is not licensed could result in problems.

4. How Fast Will the Jail Release the Person?

People also commonly ask bail bond agents about the timing of the release. How fast will the jail release the person after you hire the bail bond agent? In most cases, this process goes quickly. In other cases, it might take a little more time.

5. What Happens If the Person Skips Bail?

Finally, it will help to ask about the consequences of the person skipping bail. If you work with a bail bond agent, you become the cosigner. As the cosigner, you take risks, and a bail bond agent can explain these to you.

Bail is something you can pay to get someone out of jail. If you do not have the money needed for the person's bail, call a bail bond agent. When you call, you can ask them these questions to learn more about the bail bond process.
